Friday, October 17, 2008

#9 Becoming Newsworthy during an Election

There is nothing we bald guys like more than proving that we matter. The more hair we lose, the less significance we have and who matters more right now than the undecided voter? no one. Leave it to the brilliant bald man to step into that role, and for a few days at least, Joe the Plumber, proved that he mattered. What shouldn't matter is that his name is actually Sam, that he doesn't actually have a plumber's license and the business he said he was going to buy actually makes about $100,000/year, not the $200,000 that Joe, I mean, Sam estimated.

The only thing that matters is that the bald man matters in this election. At the Town Hall debate, their were 3 bald men in the same section representing undecided voters in Ohio... as well as bald men all over the world. We'll ask the tough questions and then pretend that we represent a party that the tough question we just asked would matter to. We also will attend that town hall debate, arrive 10 minutes before everyone else and make sure that we can sit no more that 3 feet away from another bald man. We travel in packs, like a tribe, with the tattoos to prove it, and we will find a way to matter in this world.

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